Profile Picturepaulrafael

Sacred Joy Audiobook

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None of us came here on earth to suffer, struggle and fight with Life. Yet so many of us do. The human experience is often trying, challenging and rough but we still carry on. Why? Who is struggling?

What if it was never really about the “why” but more about the “Who”? Who is asking? Who are we really? This book does not pretend to answer these queries. It simply wishes to help one remember that maybe in the asking lies already the answer. Through the intimate sharing of his inner transformation, Paul Rafael offers guidance on how to remember that embodied spirituality is an everlasting sacred dance. Dancing with our humanness is always one available path that can help us reconnect with our core essence. It is offered to help anyone – who feels ready – to know that Life was never meant to be a “pain management” experience.

Being human can also be the celebration of a sacred dancing mystery.

With authenticity, warmth and empathy, the author relates Ancient wisdom in modern terminology, which has often been misunderstood or misconstrued. Paul Rafael shares from his heart what he knows to be true with transparence and integrity. He shares how in his own spiritual rebirth, he has been able to ignite what he calls the three Sacred keys. He shares how seeing, allowing and honoring our joy essence is a spiritual practice that is always available, simple and yet utterly sacred. 

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Sacred Joy Audiobook

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